Leg Trap Takedown to Back Take/ Queda com a Perna Travada para a Pegada de Costas cobrinha-admin2020-11-14T19:25:22+00:00 Leg Trap Takedown to Back Take/ Queda com a Perna Travada para a Pegada de Costascobrinha-admin2020-11-14T19:25:22+00:00
Double Under to Back Take Drill cobrinha-admin2022-08-18T19:02:58+00:00 Double Under to Back Take Drillcobrinha-admin2022-08-18T19:02:58+00:00
Self Defense- Taking the Back cobrinha-admin2022-09-28T09:25:57+00:00 Self Defense- Taking the Backcobrinha-admin2022-09-28T09:25:57+00:00
Arm Drag Sweep to Alligator Back Take cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T04:42:13+00:00 Arm Drag Sweep to Alligator Back Takecobrinha-admin2022-09-29T04:42:13+00:00
Toreando Passing to the back – Ezekiel Attempt to Arm Triangle – Transition to the Back cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T05:42:50+00:00 Toreando Passing to the back – Ezekiel Attempt to Arm Triangle – Transition to the Backcobrinha-admin2022-09-29T05:42:50+00:00
Toreando Passing to the back – Kimura Grip – Paper Cutter Choke attempt – Transition to the back and Finish with Choke from the Back cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T05:56:30+00:00 Toreando Passing to the back – Kimura Grip – Paper Cutter Choke attempt – Transition to the back and Finish with Choke from the Backcobrinha-admin2022-09-29T05:56:30+00:00
Starting from Seatbelt to Back Take Attempt to Kimura to Armbar cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T06:30:12+00:00 Starting from Seatbelt to Back Take Attempt to Kimura to Armbarcobrinha-admin2022-09-29T06:30:12+00:00
Passing the Guard from Guard Pulling to Back Take Attempt to Kimuta and transitioning to Armbar cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:36:19+00:00 Passing the Guard from Guard Pulling to Back Take Attempt to Kimuta and transitioning to Armbarcobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:36:19+00:00
Transition from the Back to Kimura to Armbar -2 cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:41:12+00:00 Transition from the Back to Kimura to Armbar -2cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:41:12+00:00
Transition from the Back to Kimura to Armbar cobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:45:33+00:00 Transition from the Back to Kimura to Armbarcobrinha-admin2022-09-29T08:45:33+00:00