Modify X-Guard to the Back to Modify Leg Drag to Ezekiel Choke cobrinha-admin2020-11-06T04:11:46+00:00 Modify X-Guard to the Back to Modify Leg Drag to Ezekiel Chokecobrinha-admin2020-11-06T04:11:46+00:00
X Guard Transition to Single Leg X Sweep cobrinha-admin2020-12-07T21:17:47+00:00 X Guard Transition to Single Leg X Sweepcobrinha-admin2020-12-07T21:17:47+00:00
Z Guard to X Guard Sweep cobrinha-admin2022-09-28T06:01:48+00:00 Z Guard to X Guard Sweepcobrinha-admin2022-09-28T06:01:48+00:00
Z Guard to Modified X Guard to Back Take cobrinha-admin2022-09-28T06:06:48+00:00 Z Guard to Modified X Guard to Back Takecobrinha-admin2022-09-28T06:06:48+00:00
Lapel Guard to Helicopter Sweep to Rocking Chair to X-guard Sweep and Double Under Passing. cobrinha-admin2022-10-05T07:25:37+00:00 Lapel Guard to Helicopter Sweep to Rocking Chair to X-guard Sweep and Double Under Passing.cobrinha-admin2022-10-05T07:25:37+00:00
Lapel Guard to X-Guard Sweep to Leg Drag cobrinha-admin2022-10-05T08:27:54+00:00 Lapel Guard to X-Guard Sweep to Leg Dragcobrinha-admin2022-10-05T08:27:54+00:00
Butterfly to X-Guard Sweep Option 1 and 2 cobrinha-admin2022-10-11T01:30:20+00:00 Butterfly to X-Guard Sweep Option 1 and 2cobrinha-admin2022-10-11T01:30:20+00:00
Butterfly to X-Guard Sweep to Double Unders cobrinha-admin2022-10-11T02:10:39+00:00 Butterfly to X-Guard Sweep to Double Underscobrinha-admin2022-10-11T02:10:39+00:00