Cobra Guard to Far Arm Sit Up Guard Sweep and Passing cobrinha-admin2023-10-28T18:39:52+00:00 Cobra Guard to Far Arm Sit Up Guard Sweep and Passingcobrinha-admin2023-10-28T18:39:52+00:00
Cobra Guard Sweep and Pass to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-07T03:27:26+00:00 Cobra Guard Sweep and Pass to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-07T03:27:26+00:00
Cobra Guard Retention and Sweep Drill cobrinha-admin2020-11-07T03:15:35+00:00 Cobra Guard Retention and Sweep Drillcobrinha-admin2020-11-07T03:15:35+00:00
Single Leg Takedown vs Modified Cobra Guard with Back Grip to the Dig Position to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T18:28:56+00:00 Single Leg Takedown vs Modified Cobra Guard with Back Grip to the Dig Position to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T18:28:56+00:00
Cobra Guard Sweep to Dig Position to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T19:00:59+00:00 Cobra Guard Sweep to Dig Position to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T19:00:59+00:00
Cobra Guard Sweep to Modified Dig and Extra Detail of How to Control the Passing cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T19:14:00+00:00 Cobra Guard Sweep to Modified Dig and Extra Detail of How to Control the Passingcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T19:14:00+00:00
Cobra Guard Sweep and Dig Concept cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T20:17:52+00:00 Cobra Guard Sweep and Dig Conceptcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T20:17:52+00:00
Cobra Guard to Single Leg Takedown to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T21:19:14+00:00 Cobra Guard to Single Leg Takedown to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T21:19:14+00:00
Cobra Guard Sweep to Run the Pipe to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-09T21:38:28+00:00 Cobra Guard Sweep to Run the Pipe to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-09T21:38:28+00:00
Modified Cobra Guard Sweep with 3 Option of Ending the Sweep. cobrinha-admin2020-11-10T03:54:24+00:00 Modified Cobra Guard Sweep with 3 Option of Ending the Sweep.cobrinha-admin2020-11-10T03:54:24+00:00