Clearing Reverse De La Riva or De La Riva Hook and Pass to Side Control cobrinha-admin2021-07-12T17:00:03+00:00 Clearing Reverse De La Riva or De La Riva Hook and Pass to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2021-07-12T17:00:03+00:00
Knee slide pass- mount attempt- knee slide to the other side- Kata gatame cobrinha-admin2022-10-11T02:39:51+00:00 Knee slide pass- mount attempt- knee slide to the other side- Kata gatamecobrinha-admin2022-10-11T02:39:51+00:00
Lasso Pass When Your Opponent Puts Their Shin on Your Hip cobrinha-admin2022-10-11T03:05:19+00:00 Lasso Pass When Your Opponent Puts Their Shin on Your Hipcobrinha-admin2022-10-11T03:05:19+00:00