Modified X Guard Sweep To Stack Pass cobrinha-admin2023-06-20T03:34:06+00:00 Modified X Guard Sweep To Stack Passcobrinha-admin2023-06-20T03:34:06+00:00
Entrances to Single Leg X cobrinha-admin2020-12-02T04:02:31+00:00 Entrances to Single Leg Xcobrinha-admin2020-12-02T04:02:31+00:00
Mini Seminar of Keeping the Single Leg to Straight Foot Lock cobrinha-admin2020-03-19T06:12:50+00:00 Mini Seminar of Keeping the Single Leg to Straight Foot Lockcobrinha-admin2020-03-19T06:12:50+00:00
Too Ways to Shutdown the Single Leg X cobrinha-admin2020-03-19T05:58:07+00:00 Too Ways to Shutdown the Single Leg Xcobrinha-admin2020-03-19T05:58:07+00:00
Spider Sweep Attempt to Modified X Guard Sweep to Knee on Belly cobrinha-admin2020-01-17T02:51:15+00:00 Spider Sweep Attempt to Modified X Guard Sweep to Knee on Bellycobrinha-admin2020-01-17T02:51:15+00:00
Single Leg X Guard Retention cobrinha-admin2020-01-17T03:38:31+00:00 Single Leg X Guard Retentioncobrinha-admin2020-01-17T03:38:31+00:00
Modify X-Guard to the Back to Modify Leg Drag to Ezekiel Choke cobrinha-admin2020-11-06T04:11:46+00:00 Modify X-Guard to the Back to Modify Leg Drag to Ezekiel Chokecobrinha-admin2020-11-06T04:11:46+00:00
Extra Detail of Single Leg X Guard Escape cobrinha-admin2020-11-06T21:05:47+00:00 Extra Detail of Single Leg X Guard Escapecobrinha-admin2020-11-06T21:05:47+00:00
Butterfly Sweep Attempt to Singles X vs Single X Guard Escape to Side Control cobrinha-admin2020-11-20T04:33:03+00:00 Butterfly Sweep Attempt to Singles X vs Single X Guard Escape to Side Controlcobrinha-admin2020-11-20T04:33:03+00:00
X Guard Transition to Single Leg X Sweep cobrinha-admin2020-12-07T21:17:47+00:00 X Guard Transition to Single Leg X Sweepcobrinha-admin2020-12-07T21:17:47+00:00