From the arm drag counter Cobrinha then goes to the back and he will try to make his opponent to kneel but his opponent will resist. Then, Cobrinha will trap one leg and roll with your opponent backward and take him down. When his opponent is on the floor he will then wait for his opponent reaction to get up and then Cobrinha will put the seatbelt and will pull him towards Cobrinha’s lap and put both hooks.
portugues: Da puxada do braço Cobrinha vai par as costas e ele tentara fazer o oponente se ajoelhar, mas o adversario resistira. Entao, Cobrinha ira prender uma perna e rolar com o seu oponente para tras e derruba-lo. Quando seu oponente estiver no chao, ele aguardara a reaçao de seu oponente para se levantar e entao Cobrinha colocara o cinto de segurança e o puxara para o seu colo e entao o Cobrinha colocara os dois ganchos.
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