Cobrinha will force his opponent to put the back on the floor by picking his leg up and the he will starting passing. He will hold one of the legs by pinning it on the floor. His opponent will throw the other leg on Cobrinha’s hip to try to push him. Cobrinha will then walk toward his opponent head and then he will switch his hip and hold around his opponent head to complete the pass.
Portugues: Cobrinha forçara seu oponente a colocar as costas no chao, jogando a perna para cima . O Cobrinha escolhera um lado para passar e ele segurara uma das pernas fixando-a no chao. Seu oponente jogara a outra perna no quadril do Cobrinha para tentar empurra-lo. Cobrinha entao caminhara em direçao a cabeça do oponente e entao ele trocara o quadril e segurara a cabeça do oponente para completar a passagem
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