When in side control and your opponent is defending in the prayer position, grab over the shoulder. Put enough pressure to turn your opponent slightly to the side. Place your knee under your opponents back to prevent them from turning back. Place your other arm under your opponents arm. At the same time, position your chest behind your opponents back. Use the hand that was around the shoulder to grab your opponents wrist and then grab your own wrist to get the kimura grip. Pull their elbow to your chest. Place your right shin on your opponents ribs. Step your other leg over the head. Your opponent will grab clasp their hands to prevent the armbar. Step your right leg over the chest. Lean to the side toward your opponents head. If you have difficulty breaking their grip, place your right leg between your opponents arms. Pull your opponent over to give them the leverage to come up, but do not let your opponent fully come up. Grab your own shin and lock up the triangle. When your opponent comes up, grab and pull their head to finish the triangle choke.
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